Leilani Austen
Jan 22, 2021


Photo by Jessica Ruscello on Unsplash

To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment. -Ralph Waldo Emerson

How do you be yourself? Is it something only some people can do? Is it a talent? Or does it simply (as if it was so simple) mean dedication to being yourself? To not caving into what others want you to be. To not being skinny like TV and ads suggest is the way to happiness. To not drink alcohol because then you will be attractive and fun loving.

No longer do TV adverts say smoking is sexy. But if it were still possible, how many more people would die from smoking. How many more youngsters would start up (it’s bad enough how many still do, despite the warnings against). All because someone else says it’s what you should do…



Leilani Austen

Leilani Austen — Living life. Writer. Author. Learning. Teaching. Sharing. Growing. No shame. Just living. With husband. Furbabies. And chocolate.